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  Welcome to my island..."La Isla de Chavez." A cyber paradise where the sun always shines, the weather is always hot, and the carnival (party) never stops.  So, stop in an circumnavigate my web island...

To those that are interested, the Beach Bum Band jammed with Jimmy Buffett recently at a couple of Cheeseburger In Paradise restaurant openings:

We have also opened some shows for Jimmy:

Stories from my favorite books  
Even on an virtual island we need live music.  
If you're lucky, I'll be playing at a bar near you, bringing to you sounds of the Caribbean, Jimmy Buffett songs, good 'ole fashioned music and more..
Show Dates
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If you're ever down in the Florida Keys, specifically Key West, stop by and check out my favorite bar down there... Captain Tony's.  Stop by and "read upon the dingy wall to the words the old man said."  If you're lucky, you may even get to see the Captain himself.
Buffett Links
I don't take a whole lot of pictures, but I finally got pictures developed recently.  Here is a picture that I took at the 2000 Buffett show.   These are the Friends of the Phlock.

Ian Roque

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[ Florida '95 | Mazatlan | Acapulco | Key West, FL (March '99) ]
[ Florida Trip, New Year's 2000 | Freeport, Bahamas | Osaka, Japan (April 2001) ]